Jul 8, 2013

Have you lost that loving feeling, has your spouse?

David and Heather Ingram Aug. 30th 2003
  Have you heard that old song that goes a little like this:

 ♪♫ ♪ You've lost that loving feeling, oh, oh, that loving feeling, you've lost that loving feeling and its gone, gone, gone..... ♪♫

             Many a person who claims to be "falling out of love" will gravitate toward this song like it is some type of profound truth but is this "loving feeling" being felt or not felt enough to base a marriage on? Truly, marriage is under attack in this country far greater than we have ever seen before. Is that really such a bad thing? Well if you listened to the popular tag lines of our culture you may assume it is not.  I however am not so easily convinced. I know what it does to you and those you love when a marriage falls apart and God's instructions for marriage are ignored.  With a brief count I can think of at least 6 couples I know who are having a difficult time right now or were very recently, in trying to figure out what it means to be  engaged, married, to be parents, and I know some now single parents who are trying to figure out where do they go  from here and divorced couples trying to figure out how to bring together two broken homes in an effort to make one that is not.

              It can be very rough when pride and unforgiveness keeps you from seeking the reconciliation you need and God wants for you to have if you would just be willing to seek  it. Sometimes even when you are completely willing to work things out sadly the other person simply is too stuck on their path to budge. A lot of the problem comes from our desire to do things our own way and not the Lord's. It is an incredibly painful way to do it but as many a person has boasted, "I have to learn things the hard way". The reality is you really are not being forced to learn things the hard way by anyone but yourself and sadly some lessons learned come at too steep of a price to ever fully recover from. Why not save yourself the trouble and try learning it the easy way, listen to those who have already been where you are now and have learned the wisdom you now need? As God's word says, "All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us."

        All of the couples I thought of earlier have also claimed the name of Christ and stated they wanted to commit their lives to one another and to the Lord. They were wise to make such a commitment. After all it is the Lord that brings the husband and wife together. As God's word asks," Didn't the LORD make you one with your wife(husband)? In body and spirit you are his."  God indeed has made us one as a unit, or as Jesus states it, “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female. ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

           When a man and women are married it is clear in His word that He is the one who unites you to your spouse.  And what does He want and expect of our marriages?

            We may think of many answer we would like to hear or feel are the most important:  true happiness, romance, friendship, encouragement, passion, security, comfort  and stability to name but a few. And indeed in a God honoring home and marriage we would find many if not all of these present but these are not the reasons God has brought you together and formed you together as one flesh. The purpose He has given us is that he desires,  "Godly children from your union." and He admonishes you and I to, " guard your heart; remain loyal to the wife (husband) of your youth." 

            God's one solid reason for marriage and for why He does not want the union He has brought about to be broken is because he has purposed that we shall raise up for Him Godly children. And He is pretty serious about it. God hates divorce, He hates what it does to the couple and He hates what it does to the children. He hates it so much so that He states the following: "You cover the Lord’s altar with tears, weeping and groaning because he pays no attention to your offerings and doesn’t accept them with pleasure. You cry out, “Why doesn’t the Lord accept my worship?” I’ll tell you why! Because the Lord witnessed the vows you and your wife made when you were young.... For I hate divorce!” says the Lord, the God of Israel. “To divorce your wife (husband) is to overwhelm her(him) with cruelty"

            God cares very deeply about the way we treat one another and how it will also impact those around us. An unwillingness to forgive others will always get us in trouble with the Lord. "But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
            Your, "feelings" rise and fall from day to day and moment to moment but they do not dictate what is right and what is wrong. They do not release you from the spouse the Lord has given you to and you to them and it does not take away the responsibility the Lord has given you both to raise your children to honor the Lord, not just in your words but in your testimonies. The first place this will always be seen by them is in the home and in the way you treat the spouse the Lord has given you. 

            Even when those times come when one spouse leaves, choosing rebellion over God, we are not given a free pass to do with that freedom whatever we desire. If we have children, especially when we are raising them on our own or in strained relationships, our first and highest priority has not changed, we are still to lead our children to honor the Lord. 

            So wherever you find yourself now: whether the one wanting to leave, the one wanting to hold on, the one who has already left, or the one left behind. It is not too late to make the right decision in following the Lord's command. If you are leaving, repent and return; if you are the one holding on, do so with love and not bitterness and resentment. If your marriage has already ended and the divorce is final and you were the one who left make sure you get your life right with the Lord, stop focusing on yourself and reach out to mend the relationships which your selfishness has injured, and if you were the one who was left be willing to forgive. Do not use the children as pawns in an ongoing battle with your former spouse. Seek peace so that you can help your children heal and for you to grow in the Lord. No one can heal if the wound continues to be ripped open and exposed afresh and if you are the one who is trying to bring two broken homes together to try and make one whole one understand that it will take time patience, love and really seeking the Lord together.

            No matter how much you want it to be, according to God, it is not about you and your "feelings" and it never will be. It will always be about what you have done and will do with those He has entrusted to you. He wants you to direct them towards Him, not just with your words but also by your actions and your attitude. Are you ready? I hope so because you really need to get start today, in fact, we all do. 

            If this has been helpful to you or would be helpful to someone you know please do pass it along.

God Bless,
David Ingram
New Day Christian Ministry
Isa. 43:18-21

For more please see:
 Mal.2, Mark 10, Matthew 6, Matt 18. 1 Cor. 1 Also you will find many wonderful resource for family and marriage in our new family corner: http://www.newdaycm.org/family.html and we are always available for counsel and prayer.  

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